1. History    歷史     ocean  海洋    Creativity創意

2.Humanities    人文                  

3.Where there is a will.there is a way有志者事竟成.

4.The weather seems to be clearing up   天氣看來變勤晴了 .        

 5.  Hope it does not get cold again   希望不要再變冷了.

6 . priority seat     博愛坐位

7.traffic schedule      交通時刻表

 8 .The world games 2009 Kaohsiung .     世 運在高雄

9 .to get to know                 慢慢瞭解                     10.    melamine     三聚氰胺

11. to introduce                介紹                       12.  foot-and-mouth  disease  口蹄疫

 13.    high-speed railway     高鉄                17 .encouragement 鼓勵

14.butterflies      蝴蝶                                      18.sympathy   同情                                15.congratulations恭喜                                  19.warning  提醒

16.Bath  room  浴室                                            20.making a date   約會

17. Basement    地下室   

18. Congratulations  on  your   success   恭喜馬到成功 

19 . Today is my  lucky day      今天是我幸運的日子  .                         

20. I  can't   believe it     我不相信   

21.Air  Sports   飛行運動                    22.     Roller Sports   滑輪溜冰  24.Body  Building健美       

24.nursing homen 安養院               25. nursery school  托兒所   

26. weather             天氣                   27.     Service       服務   

28. T raffic schedule  交通時刻表   29.messages        留言

30. husband     丈夫                                   31. wife       妻子  

32. perfect    完美                                         33. popular music      流行音樂

34. different    不同                                               35. cheek  in          登記

36. beautiful  美麗                                                 37 usually 經常

 38. always   總是                                                    39. cushion 靠墊 

40. Earth      地球                 41.    Interested   興趣                 42.satisfied    滿意

43. disappointed  失望                  44. worry   擔心                   45. tell  a  lie  說謊

46. tell  the  truth   說實話    

 47.Able: How long have you been playing the piano .     Nancy?  

   Nancy:  For about ten years.

48.Able: Wow!  That's    a long time can you teach me how to play?

    Nancy: NO  problem.   


47.亞伯 : 南希.妳彈鋼琴多久了?



南希: 沒問題.


Everyone  should  be polite. polite  people show good.  manners.Moreover. they are popular.

On the other hand.rude peoople are looked down upon.Rudeness shows poor education.

Therefore,why not be polite?A simple "please,"  "Thank you," or" You' re  welcome." can make  a

big  difference.


每個人都應有禮貌 。有禮貌的人展現良好的風度, 而且 ,他們受人歡迎。 另一方面 , 無禮的人則遭人輕視。 無禮表示教育差 ,  因此 ,何不有禮貌一點呢?「 請」、「  謝謝你 」或「不客氣 」這幾個字雖很簡單,卻會使情況大不相同。

Let's have a special Dragon beat festival

品粽觀賽慶端午爛    賴    世雄 老師                                                                                                                        Luke:Hey Laura, what are you doing for Dragon Boat Festival?

Laura: I haven't decided yet.

Luke: If you're interested, you're invited to a picnic I'm  having at the riverside park.

Laura: I  don't know...It's going to be hot under the sun.

Luke: Not to worry.I'll be bringing a tent and my friends are bringing all different kinds of        zongzis for a taste test.


路克:嘿  , 蘿拉, 妳端午節打算怎麼過?

蘿拉 : 我還沒決定耶!

路克: 如果妳有興趣的話 , 我就邀請妳來參加我在河濱公園辦的野餐。

蘿拉 : 我不知道‧在太陽底下會很熱耶!

路克:別擔心!我會帶遮陽棚去, 而且我的朋友們還會帶各種不同的粽子去那裡進行一場試吃大會。Laura :That sounds tempting.路拉:聽起來還滿吸引人的.

Luke: And we'll have a great view of the dragon boat races.


Laura: OK count me in.

蘿拉:好吧‧ 那算我一份!          長春藤英語雜誌社

Playing the piano彈鋼琴

ABle:How long have you been playing the piano.


Nancy:For about ten years.

Able:Wow! That's a long time.Can you teach me how to play?

Nancy:No problem.

亞伯:南希 妳彈琴彈多久了?





The teachings of Confucius tell us to be humble.

People should not think too highly of themselves.NOmatter how great one is. there is always

someone greater. Therefore.we shoud be humble in our words and actions We should always

remerber the saying.pride comes before afall.





Some people have more money than others.However. they're not necessarily happier.

On the other hand. some people are as poor as church mice.

but they are happy. In a  way. these poor people are as  rich as kings.

Therefore.I always remember my father's words.More is not always better 




Pop: Great shot ! And nice fake. too.

Son : Hey Pop. how did you get to so good at basketball?

Pop: That's  easy...   practice, practice, and more practice.  What's up.  Son?

son :  Oh i'm just worried about the team tryouts next week.

  pop:  I don't think you have anything to worry about. especially with your natural talent.

son: Aww. come on.You're just saying that because I' m your son.

Pop: It's the truth. but if it makes you feel any better .

       I can show you some pointers this weekend.

Son: Would you really? Thanks pop! You're the greatest.


父親: 好球! 假動作也作得很漂亮。

兒子: 嘿 ,老爸, 你當初怎樣才能把籃球打得這麼好?

父親:簡單啊 ...    練習,練習,不斷練習就對了。怎麼啦,兒子?







Learning English is like building a house.Laying a strong foundation is the first and most important step.In other words.you should read and speak English every day.Memorizing new words and phrases is also helpful.Like building a house .learning English takes some time.SO don't be impatient.Remember.Rome wasn't built in a day




Dont Be Discouraged

Teacher: Your written English is fairly good but your spoken English needs improvement.

Student: I know, but speaking English is difficult.

Teacher: Don't discouraged . practice makes perfect.


老師: 你的英文文筆還不錯.但你的英文口語需要加強了.

學生: 我知道.但講英文很難啊!

老師: 不要洩氣 熟能生巧嘛!



when he was swimming other chrldren isjumping ropes


The girl sitting under the beach umbrella is jimmy's cousin


I hear many peaple chatting in the neighbering next  room


There are only  three students wearing uniform


Do you smell anything burning?



what was she doing when sheburned her toies?

she was cooking some soup


 his        mather doing housework while the baby was taking anap


From 8:00  to       9:00 mr L ee was using a compure is yesterday.


There are a lot of old vauable books on the bookshelf


who is the man wearing purple sunglasses?

The man wearing sunglasses is my brother



when i saw him he was filling a   form


i can' afford to take a trip  ( for a   tourt)  around the world.


The test is only three days away so     i  have to   start hard


Bunny:  Yeah! This Chinese New Year is the year of the rabbit.

Bugs:  Is  that a   good sign to have?

Bunny: It certainly is.People born under the sign of the rabbit are very caring.have

             good manners. and make the best of friends.

Bugs:  You must be one because you have all those qualities. and you seem really

            excited about the holiday.

Bunny:  You're right.I'm a rabbit and I'm extremely thrilled about the Chinese New Year.


小兔 :    耶 今年的中國新年是兔年耶。

小虫 :  這是好的生肖嗎?

小兔 :  當然是 。  在兔年出生的人都很有愛心‧ 很有禮貌, 而且還是很棒的朋友呢。

小蟲:  那妳一定叔屬兔囉 。 因為妳剛說的那些特質都有,而且妳對這個節日好像感到很興奮呢。

小兔:  你說對了。 我的確屬兔, 而且我對於中國新年的到來,可是興奮得不得了呢。

Dialogue    團圓慶中秋

Pei-fang:  Hey. Marcel.Are you doing anything to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival?

Marcel: What is that ?  We do'nt have that hqliday in France.

Pei-fang:  Basically. it' s when all family members get together to celebrate the harvest.

                 or in most cases now. the  moon.Our family also has a big barbeque.Hey.

              would  you like to come?

Marel: That sounds like it would be an amazing experience.

             I'll take you up on that offer.


珮芳:  嘿 ! 馬歇。 你有要做些什麼事來慶祝中秋節嗎?

馬歇:  那是什麼呀?    我們在法國沒有這個節日。

珮芳: 基本上  那是一個全家團圓來慶祝豐收的日子,或以現今多數的情況來說,是歌頌月亮。

        我們家也會這個時候烤肉。  嘿 ,  你想不想一起來啊?

馬歇:  聽起來像是一個絕妙的體驗。 我接受你的邀請。


Doug: Debra. would you and your kids like to come over for the Lantern Festival?

Debra: Sure . Do  you need me to bring anything?

Doug: No. I got everything covered. Besides.   my son wants to have a contest to see

             who can solve the most lantern riddles.

Debra: That sounds like fun.

Doug:You can also tell them that there will be aspecial prize for the person who                           answers the English riddle he prepared.

Debra : I'm sure my girls would get a  kick out of that.


道格:  黛博拉, 妳和妳的小孩想過來一同慶祝元宵節嗎?

黛博拉:  當然好啊!  那你需要我帶什麼東西過去嗎?

道格 : 不用,  我已經把所有東西都準備好了。  除此之外,我兒子還想要來一場比賽,看看誰能夠


黛博拉:  聽起來很有趣呢!

道格:  妳還可以告訴妳的孩子, 誰能答出最多道他事先準備好的英語燈謎, 誰就能得到


黛博拉: 我相信我們家女兒一定玩得很開心的。

The      Hare  and the  Turtle     兔子與烏龜

The hare can run very fast, but the turtle can only walk slowly. One day the hare proudly

challenged the turtle to a  race. The hare started quickly but stopped to take a nap every

now and then. The turtle walked slowly but surely.While the hare was sleeping, the turtle

passed him . Finally, the turtle won the race In the end,  he was rewarded for his

perseverance.We can all learn a    lesson from the turtle.


兔子可以跑得很快, 但烏龜只能慢慢地走。有一天,兔子驕傲地向烏龜挑戰賽跑,兔子開始時






Computers are becoming a part of our everyday life.In fact, they are almost

 everywhere. In many countries, more and more companies are replacing people with

computers. Telephone companies are no exception. When making a long distance call on

a pay phone in America, you will no longer talk to an operator.Instead, a computer will

answer. It will tell you what to do .

 NO wonder people say that  computers are taking over the  world.

閱讀  賴老師





The  Elephant and the whale


The biggest and strongest animal on land is the elephant.

The largest and heaviest animal in the sea is the whale.

It' s also the biggest  eater in the world.

It eats a ton of food a day.It looks like a fish. but it is really a mammal.

Although the elepant and the whale are both mammals.

they are indeed  very different.

陸地上最大.最壯的動物就是大象。 海中最大.最重的動物則是鯨魚,牠也是世界上吃得最多



Happy  Mother's     Day


Brent  :  Knock,  Knock.  Are  you guys  awake?

Gina:  We  are  now.  c'mon  in...Wow ! What's  that?

Brent:  I  just  wanted  to  surprise  you  with breakfast in bed for  MOther's Day .

Gina : That's  awfully sweet of  you,  Brent.

Brent : I  figured  it  was  the   least   i  could  do  to  show  you   my  thank's  for

          being  such  a  great   mom.

Gina : Thanks,  sweetie.  This  is  the  best   Mother's  Day  ever!

布蘭特:   叩  叩 叩。 你們醒了沒?

吉娜: 我們現在當然醒了。  進來吧...

      哇   那是什麼呀

布蘭特:  我只是想在母親節這天做做早餐讓妳在床上享用好給妳一個驚喜。

吉娜 : 你真的很貼心呢 ; 布蘭特。

布蘭特:  我愛你,為了要感謝你一直以來都是這麼完美的媽咪,這是我起碼能做的事。

吉娜:  寶貝,謝謝你。 這 真是最棒的一次母親節。


Customer:  Can you help me gift-wrap this please?

Salesgirl : Sure( after a while)

 Customer:Wow !you did that beautifuly.

Salesgile: Well, I  practice  Daily.

Customer: Practice makes perfect, right?

Salesgirl: Certainly!


女店員 :好ㄚ。(過了一會兒)

顧客:哇 !妳包得好美。

女店員:嗯, 我每天都在練習。




Sam  :Father, can you buy me a new bike?

Father: No ,Sam  I   can't.

Sam:But all my friends have new bicycles.

Father:You can ride their bikes?

Sam:Why can't I have a new bike?

Father: Because money doesn't grow on trees.


山姆 : 爸爸,您可不可以買一輛新的自行車給我?

爸爸:  不可以! 山姆,我辦不到。

山姆:   但是我所有的朋友都有新車。


山姆:  我為什麼不能有輛新車呢?

爸爸:  因為錢不會長在樹上麼!(賴老師)





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